Wednesday, January 25, 2017

not dead, but probably will be soon /:

its been so long since i've blogged that i don't remember how i format my posts. oh well, guess that means its a good time to "start over", things may look the same, or they may not.

it has been exactly 6 months since i've blogged and that was absolutely not intentional at all, but i'm here to tell you that even though not much has changed in my life since my last post, some things have.

in august i moved in with four of my best buds near the city and started my second year of college.

on haight with my nasty hair. pc mia pia!

in september i got a job on campus which is pretty rad because when campus is closed for vacation i can go home and pretty much know that my job is waiting for me and they're super flexible with hours! the weekend after classes started i left for a camping trip in slo with my cousins and their buddies!

montaƱa de oro.

in october nothing too special happened, but i did go home for 1 weekend and hung out with my parents and sister!

emi driving back up to the bay.

in november not only did the political climate of the united states take a turn for the worst, but also, i turned 20 which is frightening and weird. to me it means i have less time to figure out what i want to do with my life while i simultaneously wait one more year until i can do all the fun things ive enviously watched my cousins do since i was 9. november is also the month i decided to declare kinesiology as my major; i wont find out if i get in until march or april ): (i hope i get in, i'm taking kin classes this semester that seem really interesting). also juliana came to visit for a weekend!!

shotgunning a beer on my birthday. pc joss (i think)

juliana at a cafe on haight.

in december i finished the fall semester with grades that i'm pretty happy with and i finally got to go home for break! my christmas was much better than i expected it to be, despite my brother and sister being out of the country for the holidays i still got to spend christmas eve with most of my cousins, and then some of us opened a few gifts in the morning! i think this was the first christmas that i actually realized how much more valuable family time is than material things and now i see christmas more as an opportunity to be with family than to get more shit. o and i shaved my head (:

bad santa. pc adri

in january, before school started up again, i decided my new year resolution would be that i would try to create less trash, inspired by TrashIsForTossers who has 1 small mason jar of trash from the last four years. unfortunately i myself am a piece of trash and am unable to even cut back to 1 large mason jar per month, mostly because the stores near me sell all of their food in plastic packages. but now i am conscious of which bin to put my recycle, compost, or landfill, and when i can avoid the landfill bin, i do.

as for this semester, im not sure what's going to happen other than the fact that i will be drowning in reading assignments. im having some difficulties getting into a class that will push me to graduate on time, but what i know for sure right now is that i am enrolled in 4 classes and 2 labs. this semester is making me very anxious and nervous but i am really excited because the classes i am taking mostly relate to kinesiology!

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