Sunday, February 7, 2016


hello!!! for my first blog post i'll be talking about one of my favorite bands, SWMRS.
i found out about them this past summer when one of their photographers/friend followed me on insta. after listening to miley, i instantly fell in love and have been waiting for their first album to come out which is streaming on ROLLING STONE RIGHT NOW!!!!! and will be released on february 12th!!!

one of my favorite things about SWMRS is that they are SO happy with being themselves which is something i've struggled with until recently. a couple songs that remind me its okay to be myself are figuring it out and uncool. as a kid i wished i was the popular kid and wanted to to be a pop star. hannah montana was essentially my role model (which now that i think about it is a little ironic bc SWMRS song miley). thank god i grew out of that because now i am comfortable with who i am and listening to these songs has reminded me that its okay to be who you are. and although they have a song (drive north) about how much they hate my home, i don't blame them, a lot of LA homies suck, and i think it might be a little more about how much they love their home, plus LA is so easy to pick on.

here are some (relatively terrible quality) pics & vids of them playing their uncool fest at 924 gilman so you can get an idea of how FUNKIN RAD they are!!!!



❀ Princess Biitch ❀


  1. I love you and this is amazing! ❤️I miss you so much and I'm going to keep up with your blog��
